Saturday, May 18

Steven Crowder Wife Hilary Abuse Video


Steven Crowder Wife Hilary Abuse Video – After a disturbing video of Steven Crowder abusing his heavily pregnant wife hilary surfaced, he has increased his efforts.

On Friday afternoon, the political analyst posted a video to social media with the title “my statement” in which he continued to disparage his divorced wife Hilary.

He claimed she leaked ‘edited’ video of him verbally and emotionally abusing her while she was eight months pregnant to the media.

Steven Crowder Wife Hilary Abuse Video

Steven Crowder Wife Hilary Abuse Video

In an apparent last-ditch effort to defend his behavior, Crowder claimed on Friday that “broken marriages are ugly and in them people do ugly things.”

And he threatened to do it himself unless the Texas courts released the couple’s medical information, mental health history, and depositions from their divorce filings.

It happens a day after a video showed him forbidding Hilary from using their one car to get groceries while she was carrying their twins.

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According to a statement from his wife’s family, it was proof of the years of abuse she had to keep secret from them in order to salvage her failing marriage.

Crowder said in a video posted to his Twitter account: “I remarked about my current divorce on Tuesday, demanding privacy in the best interest of the family but also by court order agreed upon by all parties.

Marriage breakdowns are awful. People do ugly things in them, including me of course, and I would never say differently.

“However, due to recent inaccurately edited leaks to the tabloid press, without context and not subject to court consequences…well, if not privacy, the next best option is truth,” the author said.

I have therefore officially unsealed all files pertaining to the topic of legal record in a motion that I filed today.

Finances, pertinent medical information, such as a history of mental illness or evaluations, depositions, and any motions or punishments from Texas courts.

However, if the privacy agreements are not upheld by all parties, I will address everything that is a matter of irrefutable legal record, in full context, next week. I will NOT be leaking private marital information to the press.

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