Friday, May 3

Attention Guys: Stop Eating and Drinking these things if You want to Last Longer in Bed (Must read)


We have seen many articles about foods to eat if you want to last longer in bed, however the foods we should avoid? As you know, it is not all foods that have positive effects on every of our body parts, some are to be avoided because excess intake of them can be detrimental to your health.

Here are some intakes you need to stop if you really want to last longer on bed.

Sugary Drinks and Food

Excess sugar in the body is bad, it has a negative effect on the testosterone level, as it causes its depletion.


In as much as it is hard to stop this habit, for those that really want to last longer on bed, you have to consider stopping it, or reducing the intake, excess alcohol can be an issue when it comes to not been able to last longer on bed. This is because too much alcohol can lead to a decrease in a mans Libido.
Processed carbohydrate meals
Taking too much of processed carbohydrate meals would raise a man’s estrogen level and hence reduce his testosterone level. These are foods like Plantain chips, Spaghetti and fried meals.



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