
Andrew Tate Quotes: Best Andrew Tate Quotes About Women & Can Help Your Life

Andrew Tate Quotes: Best Andrew Tate Quotes About Women & Can Help Your Life; In this article, we will cover some quotes of andrew tate that can help your life and some quotes about women in general. First of all we need to know who andrew tate is.

Andrew Tate Biography: Who Is Andrew Tate

Emory American-British social media star, entrepreneur, and former professional kickboxer Andrew Tate III. Following his kickboxing career, he started selling paid memberships and courses on his website and later became well-known online. A misogynist by nature, Tate’s suspension from a number of social networking sites is the result of his divisive statements.

Andrew Tate Quotes

“Being rich is even better than you imagine it to be.”
“We live in an attention based economy. I believe this is the new way of viewing the world. If you want to get rich, then you have to garner attention, and then find a way to monetize it.”
“If you were in a room with ice cream experts, and all they talked about was ice cream, sooner or later when someone asks you a question about ice cream, you’re going to know the answer!”

“I was broke for a long time. I made my first million when I was 27, and then I had a hundred million dollars by the time I was 31. I became a trillionaire quite recently… the world’s first trillionaire.”
“If you truly wanted money, you wouldn’t be able to sleep until you had it.”
“You have to look at your business ideas and your plans, and find a way to remove your need for money to attempt the plan.”
“A business is other people’s money. That’s all a business is! A business is getting other people to send you their money.”
“People underestimate that I’m the world’s first trillionaire. When I say this people go, ‘Oh he’s not that rich.’ I am literally the world’s first trillionaire Elon Musk, I win.”
“If you’re surrounded by people who have a plan to get rich, and you provide value to them, sooner or later you’re going to begin to make money.”

READ ALSO: Andrew Tate Bio, Age, Net worth, Height, Weight, Parents, Siblings, Children, Wife, Instagram, Twitter & More

“Cash is first. Business is when people are paying you. Until then, it’s not a business!”
“Most businesses are very competitive. You have to find a way to differentiate yourself, and add value to the marketplace.”
“You cannot make money. You can only take money from other people. You can only convince other people to give you money. That’s the only way money can be made.”
“You cannot save yourself rich. Because you can never save money faster than the federal reserve prints money. The federal reserve turns on the printing press, and they print money!”

“Money is like water, because water is always moving. It rains, it goes into a stream, the stream goes into a lake, and then evaporates into the sky. That’s how money works!”
“You need to find a way to make more and more money. You don’t need to save the little bits that you have, like a little squirrel.”
“The old methods of making money are outdated. That’s why I teach 18 modern wealth creation methods, like Amazon FBA, day trading, dropshipping, and so on.”
“When was the last time you sat down with your friends, and refused to talk about anything other than making money?

“How are you making money, how am I making money, how’s that guy making money, how’s that coffee shop making money?”
“You will never get rich without a plan.”
“No one analyzes anything! They just want to get rich! They want to get rich, but they have no plan to get rich! And a hope and a plan are two different things.”

“I said to Tristan we need to discuss this, we need to plan this, we need to work out a way we can get rich. And that’s when I started understanding and analyzing banks, the money system, and how the world really works.”
“And then I got really pissed off, because I realized money isn’t real and it’s all a scam, and the banks are destroying us in real time with inflation, and I still don’t have any money!”
“I was doing six hundred thousand dollars a month from webcam.”

“Money is always moving. If you get in the right place at the right time, then you’re going to get some!”
“Hustler’s University is my new online educational platform where I teach people how to make money online.”
“Money isn’t real, it’s just numbers, it’s invented, it’s printed from the sky.”
“A business is money in, and nothing else. It’s not money out, it’s not your account, it’s not your logo, it’s not your website, a business is money into a bank.”

“Everyone has a Lambo or a Ferrari, it’s easy.”
“The War Room is my private network. If you want to learn how to make money, internationalize your life, and become a winner, then join my network. I recently had a 17 year old join my program… I said it was the smartest thing you’ve ever done.”
“I am a simple man with an exquisite taste. I need enough cigars for 2 men, enough whiskey for 3 men and enough money for 50.”
“I know more about making money than anyone else in the world. Most people’s views on money are outdated. If you want to get rich in today’s attention-based economy, then you need to learn modern methods of wealth creation.”

“You could be worth 100 million dollars, and go into the war room, and go into a specific room, and the fact that you’re worth 100 million dollars will no longer matter. If you’re sending a girl flowers, and she’s going on a girls trip, then you will get shut down.”
“I learned too much from being poor and I will never take that away from my children. Welcome to the struggle. You got sleep for dinner.”
“Millionaires don’t believe in astrology but trillionaires do.”
“Money will fix all your problems. If money was so bad and did not bring happiness all the billionaires would be giving it away. Wake up.”
“Don’t think of how am I going to become a multimillionaire. Think of your short term goals. Make sure your mother works less. Buy some nice clothes. Move to a nicer apartment.”

“And once you reach your short term goals, then move onto bigger long term goals.”
“When you go to the gym and you look good, people respect you and people trust you. Get in physical shape and people will be more willing to do business with you.”

“If you can find a place where money is moving and stand in the way, then the money is vulnerable.”
“If you don’t know anybody who is rich, you’re not useful to someone who is.”
“I find that very few men really want freedom. They’d rather play it safe and take the highest hourly wage they can get their hands on. Hoping that will make them rich when the math clearly doesn’t add up.”

“I was broke for a long time. I made my first million when I was, say, 27. And then, I had a hundred million by the time I was 31. And then, I became a trillionaire quite recently.”
“The reason this business worked so well is I applied all of the other business lessons that I learned with my other companies. Focus on speed, keep your expenses low, figure out how you’re getting paid… these are the lessons that made me rich!”

“The internet is the new battleground of earth, the wild west, the place of truth and opportunity.”
“I just had to get into the casino business… once I learned how they worked, I said I have to get involved with this business model!”
“Once you have a few million cash, then you can start thinking about ‘passive’ income.”
“The educational systems have spiraled costs ridiculously beyond inherent value along with providing an unimpressive product.”
“You are exactly where you deserve to be. Poor? Then money isn’t your problem, your brain is the problem. You are the reason for your own poverty.”

“I know where I genuinely am. I know I’m the most intelligent person in this house. I know I’m the most capable person in this house.”
“If you’re 5 foot 2, you need to become rich, strong, charismatic… if you’re 6 foot 4 you need to become rich, strong, smart – it’s the same game!”

“Chess and fighting are actually very similar. It’s 1-on-1 combat! There’s no luck involved.”
“You are viewing yourself as a short man! Walk up and be THE man!”
“I’ve lived an extreme life. I’ve been broke, I’ve been worth hundreds of millions of dollars, I’ve been a 4x kickboxing world champion, I’ve been a Romanian casino owner… I live a very fast-paced, entertaining life!”

“Boredom is crippling! If you’re an intelligent person, and you’ve got a good brain on your shoulders, you can’t just sit there bored.”
“Most smart people take the academic route to avoid boredom. They learn, learn, learn, learn, learn! But that’s never interested me either.”
“Why does it have to be quick? Why does it have to be easy? Why do you think life is quick and easy? Why can’t it be hard and difficult? Why can’t you suffer?”

“I see people climb Mount Everest or jump off buildings or do base jumping. They look crazy… what’s he doing? But I understand, because some people can’t live normal lives.”
“With fighting I have to train twice a day and I have to train hard. And the stress it brings in every aspect can replace fun. My mind is occupied, I’m occupied, it’s the only way I can explain this.”
“I could never stop fighting, even if I lost 100 fights. I just can’t do it. I’ve never relaxed in my entire life, I don’t know what relaxing is! It’s just not for me.”

“England didn’t have a very big chess scene at the time, and I wasn’t able to find a coach. Without a good coach, there was no way I could train to be a professional chess player, so I stopped playing altogether for a while.”
“I was too calm, too collected, and I could fight too well so they kicked me out. That was that!”
“Affiliate Marketing for The Real World is simple: you re-post my videos on TikTok or YouTube, and include a link to Hustler’s University. If someone signs up, then you get a commission for the sale.”

“If you lose a chess game, at some point during the game you made a mistake. It’s the same thing with fighting! If you lose, it’s 100% your fault. If you win, it’s also 100% your fault. I love that!”
“I was a 4x kickboxing world champion. For 12 years i trained 5 hours a day, 6 days per week. And I was motivated to train probably about 20% of the time. The rest of the time I went because I’m disciplined.”
“I saw a man driving this Lamborghini while I was walking to school, and I was furious! I’m broke, but he can afford a $200,000 super car!”

“There’s a difference between want and want. For example, I want to be able to ice skate. But I don’t want to ice skate enough to learn how to do it. I can’t be bothered!”
“One of the only things in this world you can control is your state of mind. One of the very few things in this world that you genuinely have control over is your mind. This is all you can control!”
“If you can’t control your mind, then you’re just a feather in the wind. You might land over here, you might land over there, you have no control!”

“Every man understands you cannot complain about things outside your control. You have to play the hands you are dealt.”“To be born short and say what do I do? I’ll tell you what to do – you become the best possible version of yourself!”
“Nobody, absolutely nobody cares about you enough to fix your life. No one is going to drag you out of bed, drag you to your job, and force you to work hard.”

“Once you gain control over your mind, life is ridiculously easy. The most important thing a man can do is gain control over his mind.”
“I’ve been trying to prove myself to my lineage my entire life.”
“The Universe is extremely giving. If you actually try, and actually want it, and you’re actually not making excuses, lying, talking shit, you’re going to get what you want!”
“You are competing against people like me. You are competing against people like the people in my network. You’re competing against people who only talk about money, who know money very well.”
“The biggest difference between success and failure is getting started.”
“The majority of people I know fantasize about things that actually can be accomplished. They just never get started.”
“If you get started and play the long game, you have a great chance of winning.”
“The one thing I cannot live without is control. More specifically, control of my whole life.”
“If I can’t live my life on my terms, my decisions while doing what I feel is right, with people that can accept me for it, then that wouldn’t be a life worth living. That would be slavery.”
“Being poor, weak and broke is your fault. The only person who can make you rich and strong is you. Build yourself.”
“I will never apologize because I don’t make mistakes.”
“You need a group of men to hold you accountable. They’ll inspire you to push yourself farther. They’ll motivate you when you’re feeling flat. They’ll be your support network when you need advice and support.”
“A man without a vision for his future always returns to his past.”
“After school most guys simply don’t know what to do. You waste your most precious years of your youth when you have unlimited energy to hustle and grind.”
“Find a person who is as successful as you’d like to be, ask them what to do, do it and work hard.”
“Being professional kickboxers, being who we were physically, that’s what helped us. Because you can’t just come along and start a webcam studio. It’s very difficult to get women to work for you if you’re an average guy.”
“Reading is for people who can’t afford or aren’t brave enough to learn lessons for real.”
“I have everything every man has ever dreamed of. I got a big mansion, I got a super cars, I can live anywhere I want, I got unlimited women, I go where I want… I do anything I want all the time. So, I’m an amazing role model.”
“True Professionals understand that everything can be done at a professional standard.”
“I realized yesterday that I can actually, genuinely, right now nothing is stopping me from becoming Batman. Nothing. I have a bat cave. I have an Alfred. I have a Batmobile, a Bugatti. I can fight.
“Most people do not reach Valhalla because the natural reaction to breaking records is that it is meant to be rare.”
“Today you can act as an amateur or you can be a professional. Decide what you will do right now.”
“The amount of stress you can tolerate while remaining effective is directly correlated to the level of success you will enjoy.”
“You are exactly where you deserve to be. Change who you are and you will change how you live.”
“Intellect is nothing without energy. Ideas are nothing without energy. High energy people win.”
“I’m very happy that my life has been difficult because it’s impossible to become a capable man without struggling, facing serious adversities, and overcoming insurmountable odds.”
“Men are not designed to be comfortable. They want to achieve. They want to feel pain and suffering. They want to conquer something.”
“Value is linked to difficulty. If you want something that is valuable, you need something which is difficult to obtain.”

“My entire business philosophy is built around speed. Things must happen quickly! It’s extremely quickly.”
“Speed is extremely important in business. Everything that needs to be done, must be done fast. That doesn’t mean it has to be done cheap or poorly. It means it must be done quickly!”
“Speed is extremely important. Speed defies gravity. How does a plane fly through the air and defy gravity? Speed! It’s moving too fast to fall.”
“If you’re always doing things all the time, unhappiness can’t catch you.”
“Everyone thinks things take forever. Things don’t take forever. I know, because I’ve done it. I’ve pushed people, and seen what can be done.”
“Nobody in the modern world understands speed. Numbers people kind of understand speed. Creative people don’t understand speed. I’m the complete opposite – I want everything done fast!”
“Speed is a fantastic way to feel happy all the time. I’m always looking forward to something! I wake up every day excited!”
“How did we stay alive for a year and a half before it finally blew up in our face? Speed! You’re paying for old deals with new money.”
“But as long as we kept the speed, as long as we kept moving forward, we were staying in business!”
“The key with business is to make sure you’re always moving forward, always producing content, and always doing everything as quickly as possible while maintaining quality.”
“Being slow is deadly to a company for 2 reasons. 1, the faster you get things online, the faster you can make money.”
“The sloth doesn’t understand the definition of speed until he surrounds himself with a cheetah.”
“Cost is the enemy of the poor man, so the poor try to save money. Time is the enemy of the rich man, so the rich try to save time.”
“If I’m not doing something which is either extremely difficult or extremely stressful, I’m in a perpetual state of crippling boredom.”
“A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. You’ve gotta do something and you’ve gotta do something fast. You just sitting around talking about it and hoping for things to get better isn’t going to do anything.”
“The level of sloth at which you live is unacceptable for any man with any ambition for greatness.”
“I believe that I am a very positive force for the world. I believe I am a force for good. I believe they banned me because I was becoming too popular, and they couldn’t control me.”
“Romania is a beautiful country full of beautiful people.”
“I was looking for somewhere to go after I left England. I had some contacts in Romania from my kickboxing days, so I decided to check it out. I ended up loving Romania, and I plan on staying here long-term.”
“Some people can’t live normal lives. Some people can’t just function 9 to 5 job, get drunk on the weekends. That is not for some individuals, and it’s not for me.”
“Are you good enough on your worst day to defeat your opponents on their best day?”
“I could be worth a lot more than $500 million dollars. However, I don’t see the point. After you achieve a certain amount of wealth, everything becomes free. If I want something, I buy it!”
“I need something that keeps me physically tired enough to stop me going awol, and mentally tired enough, and I’ve chosen fighting.”
“Every action you take is molding who you are as a person.”
“I think the only thing that could stop me fighting is if I had enough money to constantly entertain myself. Unless I’m a billionaire, I need something that keeps me focused and keeps me occupied.”
“If failure makes you stronger, you can never lose.”
“I never doubted for a second I would be what I am. I knew I would be rich and be free and be able to do and say the things that I wanted.”
“If you’re known as crazy. Your life is going to go one of two ways. Absolute success, or the absolute bottom. But you can rest assured you won’t end up average like the rest.”
“Aspire to be a man who can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants.”
“All of life’s important lessons come from being broke. The best thing you can hope for as a headstart for a child are: good parents and no money.”
“You are organized, fast, and systematized. You stop doing things that you know are a waste of time. You stop acting based on emotional whims. Imagine that version of yourself. Imagine what that person accomplishes in a year.”
“Do the impossible and you’ll never doubt yourself again.”

“How you view the world absolutely shapes how you react to the world.”
“I’ve yet to experience in my 36 years, a man or a woman, who genuinely tries their very best, and genuinely dedicates themselves to something, and is genuinely motivated to become the best version of themselves, who doesn’t become successful!”
“If you’re the average guy, and you come to me for advice, my only answer is stop being the average guy!”
“That’s my only answer – you can’t just be the average guy anymore! You have to shoot for the top!”
“The top of the mountain is the bottom of the next.”
“The unfortunate reality about money is you are competing. So it’s player vs player. It’s like anything in the world! If you want something, you have to compete for it.”
“Most men can’t fathom the power they’d have in one year if they went all in on their natural strengths and stopped addressing weaknesses.
“I chose to live a difficult life. A life of discipline. A life of challenge. Many don’t like me. Many are intimidated by me. Many just simply don’t understand me at all. I’ve always been cool with that. This life is what I chose or maybe it chose me.”
“The man who goes to the gym every single day regardless of how he feels will always beat the man who goes to the gym when he feels like going to the gym.”
“Emotional control isn’t a lack of emotion; it’s a necessary function of maturity.”
“There are multi-millionaire men in the world living their dream lives while you struggle to pay the bills.”
“If you had genuine tenacity and genuine guidance, you’d be a millionaire in fantastic shape in less than a year.”
“The absolute best thing about being a man is you’re born worth nothing and can choose what you want to be.”
“Flaws are easily shrouded when you go all in your natural talent. Addressing weaknesses keeps you at the kitty pool cranking small levers.”
“Close your eyes. Focus on making yourself feel excited, powerful. Imagine yourself destroying goals with ease.”
“You have to believe that you can achieve anything.”
“You can become rich, you can become strong, you can take care of your loved ones and enjoy the fact that it will be very difficult.”
“I could never stop fighting even if I lost 100 fights because I’m not built to live a normal existence.”
“The average man doesn’t try very hard. So if you try very hard, it’s impossible to be average.”
“Every day that you make the wrong choice, more of your potential is wasted.”
“Think of all of the amazing things you could have accomplished by now if you weren’t brutally lazy.”
“Imagine all of the time you wasted, every opportunity you let pass by, all the good advice you arrogantly ignored. If you were your creator, would you not be disgusted as well?”
“Your life can be like a movie. The mundane, the boring, the average, your life doesn’t need to be this way. But every good movie has some sort of risk, and the heroes of the story are willing to take them. Are you?”
“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

“I don’t believe in motivation. I believe in discipline! I am a disciplined person!”
“Discipline is the key to success. Absolutely is. If you cannot force yourself to do something that you do not want to do, how are you ever gonna put yourself through the suffering required for greatness?”
“Don’t even think about becoming a millionaire if you can’t even go to the gym 6 times a week.”
“I don’t need to be motivated because I’m a disciplined person. If I allocate X amount of time to do something, I’m going to do it.”
“Every action you take is molding who you are as a person. Every time that you sleep in. Every time you are undisciplined, you are training yourself that it’s okay. A downward spiral towards mediocrity.”
“For 12 years I trained 5 hours per day, six days per week, and I was motivated to train probably 25% of the time. The rest of the time I went because I am disciplined.”
“Sadness is a warning. You feel it for a reason. Your mind is telling you that you need to work harder.”
“You’re going to have to work when you don’t feel like working. That’s how it’s going to have to be, or you’re never going to be anything.”
“The temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of being a nobody.”
“People who train every day do not want to train every day. They are not motivated to train every day. They have something else, they are disciplined.”

“I’ve gotten mixed reviews about the color of my Bugatti. Some people like it, some people don’t like it. So I said, what color is your Bugatti?”
“I paid extra for the external carbon pack, internal carbon pack. I paid extra for the sunroof. So all in all, she cost me $3.3 million Euro, plus VAT, plus delivery. So all in all, we’re looking at $5.2 million dollars.”
“I had to try very, very hard to get this Bugatti.”
“There’s only 60 Bugatti Chiron Pur Sports in the world. How did we pull this off? Luke, didn’t I see you working at Chipotle?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s difficult to drive. Obviously it’s scary a little bit. But as long as you keep the rev’s super low you’re fine. It’ rev’s to 8,000, but the turbo kicks in around 4,000.”
“Driving the Bugatti is kind of like driving the McLaren. But it’s a lot stronger, and without the grip issues because of the 4 wheel drive. It feels and sounds like a plane taking off!”
“People ask me all the time, why did you spend that much money on a watch? Listen, I’m the Big G, and people need to know that! The matching Bugatti watch tells the whole world who the real boss is.”
“People have Lambos, blah blah blah. But no one has a Bugatti! Absolutely no one!”
“I bought this car purely for the network. I wanted to meet other Bugatti owners to make more money. It wasn’t even about the car for me! It’s just a bonus.”
“When I first wanted to buy a Bugatti, I thought that is so much money. And now it’s a blip on the radar.”

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