Tuesday, April 16

Stop using the Phrase “How was your Night” – This is the reason why it is wrong


English language have become a difficult task for most Nigerians these days and one of the most popular phrase used is ‘How was your Night’ which is wrong.

Guys are the major culprit of this act especially in the morning when speaking to their female friends.

Here are reasons why the pharse is wrong

‘How was your night’ could interpret a different meaning to Native speakers which could be asking about their last night sex. which should not be the first thing you should ask a person in the morning
Also, it could also be referring to the person inability to sleep, which is Medically refreed to as Apena and only be used by Medical personnel’s.
Therefore it should be stopped by the public.


The correct pharse for ‘How was your night’ should be ‘Did you Sleep well’.

It is more polite and shows you want to know weather or not the person had a good sleep

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