Actress Rosemond Brown, notorious generally as Akuapem Poloo is a celebrated flatterer and we live through overly fully in particular since she resistant it with her Cardi B experience.
Cosmos hiker Affran
Quite of late she twerked strict at Osebo’s supermarket and old every part of character of appellations on the Zara supermarket head of the company who was affected to shower wads of Ghana cedis on her as a result.
She pulled a akin stunt on Fella Makafui during the jovial season. Fella subsequently went out of her fashion to put on view passion to the controversial artist and capture vixen.
Apparently Akuapem Poloo stormed Fella’s home to call for for her Xmas goodies and that was at what time the ex- YOLO star gave Poloo further than she bargained for, after she (Poloo) happening with her regular sycophancy.
It’s no be in awe she has on track a alike fixation by division a new photo of Fella Makafui by occupation her ‘Ahuofe dua’, a duration second-hand for exceptionally gorgeous women.
Any time she does a bit like this, we every one of discern how it ends, don’t we?